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  本文摘要:享用旅途风光:9个独自一人旅行的理由While its wonderful to share a special trip and new experiences with friends, a partner, or family, theres a compelling case for travel alone from time to time. Solo travel can work for anyone, whether youre single, in a relationship, extroverted, or introverted, and here are 9 good reasons why you should try it.和朋友、伴侣或家人一起享用车祸旅行或经历崭新体验,必定是件幸福的事情;但有时候独自一人旅行也别有一番趣味。

享用旅途风光:9个独自一人旅行的理由While its wonderful to share a special trip and new experiences with friends, a partner, or family, theres a compelling case for travel alone from time to time. Solo travel can work for anyone, whether youre single, in a relationship, extroverted, or introverted, and here are 9 good reasons why you should try it.和朋友、伴侣或家人一起享用车祸旅行或经历崭新体验,必定是件幸福的事情;但有时候独自一人旅行也别有一番趣味。任何人不论单身还是在爱情、外向还是内向,都可以独自一人旅行。那为什么要尝试独自一人旅行呢?请求看下面9个理由。1. Simple logistics轻装上阵It can be challenging to coordinate a trip and time away from work with another busy person in your life, and its even more difficult when you try to make plans with a group. Usually, these challenges can be overcome by simply planning far in advance, but if you find yourself with some down time and you cant find a travel partner on short notice, it may be the perfect time to pack your bags and go anyway.如果是打算跟身边另一个大忙人去旅行,那还得费工夫休假、协商各类琐事;要是组团的话,行程计划则更加无以决定。

当然,如果提前作好打算,这些也不算什么难事。可是,如果你是忽然得了空闲,一时间又去找将近旅伴,那不来乘机背上行囊独自一人上下班呢?2. Work on your bucket list构建心愿表格Is there something youve been dying to try that no one is willing to try with you? Maybe youd like to go skydiving over the Grand Canyon, see ancient Mayan ruins, or simply eat real Maine lobster. When your partner and friends dont share every one of your interests, thats OK, but its not OK to sacrifice your dreams, especially when all you have to do is get there.你是不是尤其渴求尝试的事情,但其他人又都不愿陪伴你一起?也许你仍然想要去大峡谷飞行、去想到玛雅遗址,或者全然想要不吃一次地道的缅因龙虾?伴侣或朋友不有可能跟你几乎情投意合这不要紧;无非的是,你无法因此壮烈牺牲自己的梦想特别是在是当你的梦想如此相似、只要你迈开脚步就需要到的时候。3. Youre great company享用睡觉时光If you rarely spend significant time alone, you may be surprised at how enjoyable it can be. When was the last time you truly listened to only your thoughts and entertained only your dreams? Depending on the destination, a solo trip can be a powerful, introspective, life-changing experience. Imagine sitting on a peaceful beach at sunset or taking an invigorating morning hike without having to make conversation with anyone.如果你以前很少一个人睡着,那么,独自一人旅行不会让你爱上睡觉的时光。上次现实聆听内心点子、理解自我梦想是什么时候来着?独自一人旅行的目的地有所不同,你的领悟也不会不尽相同:或震惊、或深思、或人生转折性灵感。

想象自己不不受任何人阻碍,独自一人躺在静谧的沙滩看日落,或在甜美的早晨骑单车吧!4. Meet new people结识新朋友If youre a born extrovert, traveling alone can be a wonderful way to meet locals and make new friends. Often, people who are alone appear more approachable to others. Before you know it, you could be chatting with some interesting folks at a sidewalk cafe or even joining a group of like-minded people for yoga on the beach. The key is to keep an open mind while keeping safety in mind, especially in a foreign land.如果你天生性格外向,那么独自一人旅行也是你带入当地结识新朋友的好机会哦!一般来说,尾随的人看起来也更容易相似。一开始,你可以自由选择在路边咖啡馆跟有意思的人攀谈,或重新加入到沙滩上志趣相投的瑜伽人群中。

关键是你不仅要注意安全(特别是在是在异乡),更要有对外开放的心态。5. Do everything you want and nothing you dont want随心所欲Have you ever been hesitant to do that half-day at the spa you were longing for because you felt bad leaving your travel partner with nothing to do? When you travel alone, you are not obliged to entertain anyone but yourself. If you want to waste the day sitting at an outdoor bar drinking mojitos instead of sightseeing, you wont have to answer to anyone.有时你是不是特想花半天时间享用SPA,但顾虑到旅伴也许不会深感无趣而打退堂鼓?如果你是独自一人旅行,那就几乎不必顾及任何人。如果你想要虚掷一天时光,不看风景,只躺在户外酒吧享用mojito鸡尾酒,那也随你自己呗。6. Its empowering使人焕然一新If traveling makes you a better, smarter person, then traveling alone makes you super-better and super-smarter. For any of you who may feel uncomfortable even sitting alone at a diner to have breakfast, taking a trip by yourself might seem daunting. Once you take the plunge and get over your fears, youll feel a sense of empowerment. A successful solo vacation can inspire you to tackle even more things in life youve been afraid to try.如果说旅行能让人显得幸福而智慧的话,那么,独自一人旅行则不会幸你更上一层楼。

如果你平时连睡觉都不须有人陪,那独自一人旅行对你而言也许很骇人。可一旦你鼓起勇气解决内心不安迈开第一步,你不会深感前所未有的能量与活力。一次极致的分开旅行能唤起你尝试曾多次仍然惧怕的事情。7. Great service服务周到For some reason, service at hotels and restaurants seems better when youre traveling single. People tend to admire those who travel solo, and its possible that when you make it known, you could be in for a sweet room upgrade or a cocktail on the house.知道为什么,旅馆和饭店给独自一人上下班的人的服务奇特要更佳。


8. Absence makes the heart grow fonder距离产生美I dont suggest you spend every vacation opportunity away from your partner, but doing so once in a while can be refreshing for a couple. When you set the precedent in your relationship that its OK to pursue individual interests, trust is enhanced. Coming home to your partner after a solo trip can remind each of you why you dig each other in the first place. As a bonus, if you find a favorite place when youre alone, you can always bring your sweetie along another time.我并不建议你每次渡假都跟伴侣分离,但有时候这么做到反而能促进俩人的感情。当你再行表率接纳俩人可以执着各自爱好时,彼此间的信任也就油然而生了。

独自一人旅行后返回伴侣身边,你可能会更加爱护彼此实是时的心境。而且,要是你独自一人旅行时找到什么有意思的地方,下次还可以带上伴侣一起来。9. No drama没戏剧性场景Sometimes, when youre single, you wait until youre dating someone before you take a vacation away, and these trips can either make or break a fledgling relationship. If things dont go well, the entire trip can be a miserable, drama-filled time youd love to forget. When you get good at traveling alone, you can stop waiting for someone to take on vacation. Instead, you can continue to go alone until someone really worthy comes along to help you make some brilliant new memories.有时单身的你仍然等啊等,期望等到生命中的另一半经常出现再行一起去旅行。可是,这样的旅行要么促使一对有缘璧人,要么是闹得不欢而散。




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